NBA Holds An Emergency NEC Meeting On The 17TH Day Of March, 2022, To Discuss Critical Issues.

Dear Colleague,


As you are aware, a number of burning issues currently need the attention of members of the Nigerian Bar Association in setting the legal profession on the right path. Some of these issues stem from the remuneration of legal practitioners, the pending amendment of the Legal Practitioners’ Act, a more efficient Legal Practitioners’ Disciplinary mechanism, and the like.

To resolve these critical issues, the leadership of the NBA has called for an emergency National Executive Council (NEC) meeting, to discuss these issues and to set the association on the right path.

Consequently, the National Executive Council will meet on the 17th day of March 2022 at the NBA Secretariat, to discuss issues bordering on:

– The NBA Remuneration Committee Report.

– The NBA Electoral Committee Budget.

– The Legal Practitioners’ Act (LPA) Amendment Bill.

– The Legal Practitioners’ Disciplinary Committee (LPDC) Rules 2020.

– The Report from the NBA Special Investigator regarding the Raid on Justice Mary Odili’s residence by security Agents.

Be rest assured that members will be informed of the outcome of these deliberations and the next steps to be embarked upon by the leadership of the NBA in addressing the attendant resolutions.


Dr. Rapulu Nduka

Publicity Secretary,

Nigerian Bar Association.

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